Safety is the number one priority on any job site. The staff at Rollers Australia are considered compaction experts. We can induct and train operators in the safe and correct use of our hired equipment.
A key component of our maintenance is our service history for the life time of the roller. We can ensure all clients that our roller services are kept up to date and as per the manufacturer’s instructions. We can provide all our clients with a services history report at your request.
Compaction Meters are devices that aid the operator in determining when the roller has fully compacted the material the machines capacity. Compaction Meters also aid in the locating of soft spots and the determining of over compaction.
Road Compaction may seem a simple procedure, however if carried out incorrectly it can have a negative effect on the road and compaction site. Rollers Australia conducts presentations and demonstrations of road and earth compaction techniques for the benefit of you, our customer, road construction and road maintenance personnel.
Contact us or call any of our Regional Managers road compaction experts to organise a preliminary compaction and road machinery demonstration.